Notes on Arrays

1. If a warm-up time is specified, array values are not reset.

2. Arrays can be nested. For example, if Arr1[2,3] is equal to three, then the statement Arr2[5,Arr1[2,3]] works exactly like the statement Arr2[5,3].

3. You can examine the value of a cell in an array during a simulation by choosing Information and then Arrays. This information can also be printed.

4. Arrays can be used with the WAIT UNTIL statement.

5. Statistics are not generated for arrays. However, if you would like to see the final value of an array’s cell, you can use the array export feature to export to Excel, you can place a PAUSE statement in the termination logic and then view the array under the Information menu, or you could print an array’s values or write them to an external file as part of the termination logic. If you want more statistical information on a particular cell, assign the cell to a variable and then choose basic or time-series statistics for the variable.